Join Our Partner Network!

Join Our Partner Network!

What is Network Partner?


One of our goals with the Don't Think Know platform is to expand citywide STI testing capacity and reach by offering a partner-based, alternate testing location(s) for youth interested in accessing home testing kits in a comfortable and supportive space, this includes talking with a person that is respectful of their sexual health decisions well-being. 

How to become a Partner.

1)    Consider how being a Partner will fit your program

a.    The program must allocate a portion of staff time to support the testing services.  

b.    Key staff will be asked to participate in monthly meeting(s) on key issues and challenges with ordering kits. (We anticipate this to be up to an hour per month) 

c.    Key staff will communicate with the Don't Think Know program director on issues as they arise.

d.    The Partner program must ensure the privacy and confidentiality of patient information.

2)    Reach out and ask to be a Network Partner by clicking the button Above ^

3)    Once reviewed and approved on our end, we contact you directly with addition details and next steps.

4)    Once you are approved –

a.    You program will be asked to identify a staff person(s) to serve as the “Clinic User” for your program. This is the person who is a designated point of contact and also serves as the approved person to order STI kits on behalf of the Don’t Think Know program? 

b.    The designated individual will also be responsible for placing orders, receiving, and shipping kits back to our lab.

c.    Key Staff will be required to attend STI training(s) by the Don't Think Know team members.

Other Partner Requirements include:

1.    Get pre-approval from your Director of the program, clinic, or agency. 

2.    Serve youth ages 12 – 30 years old, that are residence of San Francisco County.

3.    Have a location where the kits can be locked up for safety and privacy.

4.    Have at least one staff member that your program, clinic or agency identify has a *clinic user within your normal workflow. 

5.    Set aside work time for pickup, drop off and help with ordering the kits for clients * Minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 3 hours per month.

Who is eligible for Don’t Think Know?

1.    Partner clients should be between the ages 12 – 30 years old to order a kit.  

2.    Clients that want to access this site must have an San Francisco zip code or use your program, clinic, or agency locations for the kit to be delivered to.

3.    Currently the Don’t Think Know program offers STI Kits only for vaginal swabs (Chlamydia and Gonorrhea)